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Original size: [calculating...]

imgproxy size: [calculating...]

next/image size: [calculating...]

Apply one of the imgproxy features:


import { generateImageUrl } from "@imgproxy/imgproxy-node";

const { SIGN_KEY, SIGN_SALT, ENDPOINT } = process.env;

const imgproxySrc = generateImageUrl({

endpoint: ENDPOINT,

url: {

value: src,

displayAs: "base64",


options: {

"width": 500,

"format": "webp",

"sharpen": 2


salt: SIGN_SALT,

key: SIGN_KEY,


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Copyright ESA/Hubble & NASA, A. Sarajedini

imgproxy-node demo: a helper library for more easily constructing imgproxy URLs

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This is a demo of imgproxy-node. It’s an OSS library that makes it even easier to work with imgproxy, a blazing fast and secure image processing tool.

Process images faster and safer: imgproxy

imgproxy resizes and processes images on the fly. It comes as an OSS or as a Pro version with priority support and advanced features; a couple of these features, like Custom watermarks and Gradient, are included in this demo.

Learn more:

Image processing with imgproxy made easy: imgproxy-node

This library helps create URLs for imgproxy requests. You no longer need to remember all the secret key names: imgproxy-node will automatically use your ENV variables and provide a generated link to the processed image as output.

View the source on GitHub to build your own image processing pipeline.

Watch image processing on the fly: demo

In this demo, you can apply features like thumbnail generation and watermarks to a selection of images, using the image component from Next.js and imgproxy in parallel.

In the demo, we highlight just a few imgproxy processing options (it has over 60 features).

The demo was built with Next.js and React Server Components.

Build your library with Evil Martians: customer projects

This library was built by the Evil Martians team. Our portfolio includes 100+ popular open source and Open Core projects and plugins, libraries and APIs developed and tailored to our client needs.

Drop us a line at if you’re also in need of our help!

Images taken from open source NASA resources.